Nature's Most Powerful Protections From Radiation Exposure
The Effectiveness of Whole Earthen Resources and
the Dangers of Iodine Therapy
by Michael King
6:15 PM Pacific Coast
Call In Number: 1-712-432-0075
New Access Code: 940-333#
(The Access Code will change for each call
then become the Replay Access Code
following the call for one week only.)
To be covered in detail during this week's
Tuesday Night Teleconference Call:
Clay Clay of all kinds in the bath, on the body and taken internally is recognized (albeit quietly) as being the fastest and most effective way to remove all forms of radiation from the body.
Sacred Clay (pyrophyllite), due to its exceptionally small particle size and high electrolyte content outperforms your standard bentonites, zeolites, illites and montmorillonites - although each of these clays are able to produce significant benefits in the area of radiation detoxification, and continue to be highly recommended during times of emergency.
Iodine, on the other hand, will NOT protect a person from uranium, cesium or plutonium radiation exposure.
Eating clay and taking clay baths has been repeatedly observed to draw out ALL forms of radiation faster and more effectively than other protocols. As a result, you will see in most of the literature on Iodine Therapy, the suggestion to use clay to pull out all other forms of radiation that iodine will not touch.
What's missing here??? If clay is so effective at removing ALL forms of radiation, why don't we just START with clay and STAY with clay from beginning to end? Add other therapies to enhance the action of clay in the body, but look to clay as your first line of defense in the detoxification of radiation, heavy metals and other toxins.
Clay at Chernobyl
Radiation detoxification clay baths, clay chocolate bars, and clay in animal feed were used after Chernobyl to neutralize radiation. Clay was found to remove radiation from the body more quickly than standard protocols.
Before the Response Team at Chernobyl put on their radiation suits, they smeared clay all over their bodies. (What did the Russians know that we are just now beginning to understand?)
Clay was one of the components that were used to bury the Chernobyl reactor due its known ability to reduce the escape of radiation through its protective barrier.
Clay is commonly used to prevent radon from escaping a radiation waste disposal site. (Radioactive Waste: Production, Storage, Disposal (NUREG/BR-0216, Revision 2))
Radioactive metals are the heaviest of all metals. Clay baths, clay packs and body wraps in clay draw out all forms of heavy metals and other toxins from the skin.
Taking a clay that is high in electrolytes internally (like Sacred Clay) sets up an electromagnetic polarity in the body causing heavy metals, radiation, chemicals and other toxins (which are positively charged), to gravitate to the clay as it passes through the body and through the bloodstream.
When a toxin bonds with a clay does the clay become toxic to the body? Generally not, for one fundamental reason. When toxins and clay unite, an electromagnetic bond is formed which often converts the toxin into another compound, thereby neutralizing its toxicity. An example of this is when heavy aluminum bonds with a clay high in amorphous silica, the resulting compound is an aluminosilicate, well known to be harmless to the body.
Radioactive caesium-137 in clay soils are not found in local groundwater runoff because "it binds to the clay minerals".,%202002.pdf
Electromagnetic Attractions This tendency to draw from one or more clay minerals to bond with a chemical, heavy metal, radiation or toxin through natural attractive forces is one of its secrets to speed and effectiveness in detoxification therapies.
Electromagnetic attractions can be very strong and instant the moment the clay and the toxin get close enough in proximity to be drawn to each other.
This same principle of electromagnetic bonding to neutralize a toxin also applies to another one of Nature's powerful detoxification resources: seaweeds and algae.
Chlorophyll-rich, Alkalizing Seaweeds and Algae Alkalizing seaweeds and algae are far superior at alkalizing the body safely that baking soda, commonly suggested to detox radiation from the body.
Baking soda is helpful if you do not realize the superior alternatives of seaweeds and algae, but still very limited in nutritional benefit, and harmful in some instances, (like when individuals are used to consuming calcium supplements or consuming dairy regularly).
Alkalizing the body improves oxygen exchange and the neutralization of radiation, however, alkalizing with chlorophyll and minerals in seaweeds and algae produce a much more comprehensive array of nutritional benefits than baking soda alone. Every organ, cell and hormone-producing gland will be nourished into peak performance by the abundance of beneficial phyto-nutritional compounds and minerals found in seaweeds and algae.
Scientists at the Gastro-Intestinal Laboratory at McGill University in Montreal demonstrated that alginates derived from Laminaria could reduce by 50-80% the amount of radioactive strontium absorbed through the intestine.
Spirulina and other algae also contain high amounts of metallo-thionine compounds, believed by the scientific community to strip the body of radioactive metals and protect against radiation damage.
Spirulina, Blue Green Algae, Chlorella, Gigartina, Kelp, Dulse, and Laminaria (also known as Modifilan) are significant components of the Earth & Sea Greens blend of over 70 superfoods and the Thyroid Balance a blend of over 25 herbs, seaweeds and algae.
Humic/Fulvic Substance
Humates bolster the immune system. Dr. Daryl See, MD, formerly an Immunologist of UCI Medical School, suggests that humates cause the immune system to recognize its own dead cells thereby reducing infection.
Baylor Medical School is currently researching humates both topically applied and internally dosed for burn victims to reduce infections.
Russian scientists are using the same principle for the treatment of radiation sickness. Sodium humate has been found to increase the lifespan of mongrel rats exposed to lethal doses of cobalt radiation. (Effect of sodium humate on animals irradiated with lethal doses. Pukhova, G. G.; Druzhina, H. A.; Stepchenko, L. M.; Chebotarev, E. E. Radiobiologiia, 1987; Vol. 27; Issue 5; Pages 650-653.)
Humic/Fulvic Substance is included in most of our herbal formulas to improve bioavailability of the nutrients. It is included in higher amounts in the Deep Level Detox, Friendly Flora, and for baths, in the Black Beauty Bath Additive.
Whole Salt
Salt mines are used to store and work with equipment that is ultrasensitive to EM fields or to prevent the escape of radiation from the equipment or associated experiments. Salt is able to block cell phone signals, and therefore effects from cell phone radiation. The minerals in salt act similar to clay in its ability to bond with radiation.
By adding Himalayan Salt to your Sacred Clay Bath the protective and detoxifying effects are magnified due to the additional electrolytes provided by the salt. Electrolytes are essential to the removal of toxins from the cells and the transport of toxins out of the body into the clay water.
Himalayan Salt, Humic/Fulvic Substance and Ocean Magnesium (another salt of prime importance in the bath) are all included in our Black Beauty Bath Additive to be used in conjunction with Sacred Clay in the bath.
Clay, salt and humate baths are more effective at reducing radiation than baking soda or Clorox baths. These earthen resources offer their abundance of beneficial minerals which magnetically bond with toxins and radiation of all kinds.
Bile Activator with Trifala
Bile fluids produced by the liver are one of Nature's remarkable methods of drawing toxins and pathogens out of the body. Bitter herbs like the three fruits in the Auyrvedic formula Trifala activate the production of bile fluids in the liver. Encapsulating toxins and pathogens in the almost to slightly alkaline bile fluids neutralizes them making them unavailable for bonding with receptor sites in the intestines as they pass naturally from the body.
Researches were carried out in Bhabha atomic research center, Trombay, India. Certain Swiss mice were exposed to Gamma radiations. These were then orally fed with triphala. It was found that the there radiation induced mice were 60% less affected then the mice those were not fed with triphala.
Digestive Bitters contain a number of bitter herbs in combination with Trifala.
Bee Pollen and Propolis
Well-documented evidence shows pollen counteracts the effects of severe toxins like radiation and environmental chemicals. Bee pollen antioxidants and bee propolis are clinically proven to strengthen immune response and protect the body from radiation.
Recent clinical tests show that pollen significantly reduces the side effects of both radium and cobalt-60 radiotherapy at a level of 2 tbsp. a day.
They are both found, along with Ashwagandha, Siberian Ginseng and Kudzu (an alkalizer) in our Bee Pollen-Propolis Formula.
Aloe Vera Gel
Found in most health food stores, the gel of the Aloe plant contains well research radio-protective properties. Since the gel is less expensive that the Aloe Juice, and more concentrated, it can be a preferred way to derive benefits from this remarkable gift from Nature. A small amount in a glass of water provides a daily dose of additional protection.
Foods that Provide Radiation Protection
Asparagus due to its alkalizing effect on the body purging uric acids from the system. Asparagus is also an excellent source of glutathione which is known to assist in the reduction of heavy metals and other toxins from the body - including radiation.
The kidneys are usually one of the first organs to suffer damage in radiation toxicity due primarily to the higher levels of acidity following radiation exposure. Asparagus and chlorophyll-rich seaweeds and algae restore alkalinity and thereby improve kidney function when under stress.
Raw Milk Whey from 100% grass-fed cows or goats are the highest know sources of glutathione and an abundant source of friendly bacteria.
Non-Soy-based Miso - Fermentation improves a plant's ability to provide radiation protection to the consumer. Miso is one option, but due to the over-estrogenating effects of soy and the high likelihood today of GMO contamination today, only the non-soy-based miso is recommended (barley, chickpea, etc.)
Lewis Labs Brewer's Yeast (grown on beets not beer) and Medicinal Mushrooms (one of the original sources for β-glucans) are notable for their ability to modulate (balance and improve) the immune system. For this reason it makes no sense to take Beta1,3 Glucan (a mere fragment of a whole food).
Nature has already provided the superior version in the whole food forms.
Foods that must be avoided since they weaken the effectiveness of your immune system:
Sugars, candida promoting foods and food combinations, acidifying foods and drinks (colas, coffee, bottled fruit juices (except unsweetened cranberry), breads, fried foods, corn & potato chips, nuts and nut butters, etc.)
Warning - Brassica Vegetables Can Increase Hypothyroidism
Contrary to popular recommendation, brassica vegetables (like maca, Canola oil, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, turnips, beets, collards, mustard plants, horseradish, etc.), though touted to provide benefit against radiation exposure due to their higher levels of sulphur, are also prone to diminish thyroid production - not something you want happening when under stress from radiation exposure!
What is your alternative??? Sulfur is good for the body and helpful in countering radiation, but without the proper amount of iron, sulphur's balancing antagonist, anemia and hypothyroidism can result from sulfur excesses.
Sacred Clay and Earth & Sea Greens both contain iron-rich components among their nutritional profiles. Sacred Clay itself, is 3-5% iron balanced by approximately 2% sulphur. In this manner, you derive the benefits of both sulphur and iron in Nature's balance.
Baking Soda??? Is it Really Necessary?
Baking soda is helpful if you do not realize the superior alternatives, but still very limited in nutritional benefit, and harmful in some instances.
What is the alternative?? Alkalizing seaweeds and chlorophyl-rich superfoods like Earth & Sea Greens and Thyroid Balance.
Is Iodine or Potassium Iodide Really Your Best Defense Against Radiation Exposure???
Iodine will NOT protect a person from uranium, cesium or plutonium radiation exposure.
Taking excesses of Potassium Iodide, or taking KI more often than recommended, does not offer more protection and can cause severe illness or death.
Adverse Reactions to Potassium Iodide
While benefits have been derived from its use, there are more effective and more comprehensive whole earthen resources that out perform iodine supplement, both in their gentleness and in their speed of producing results. Here are the Iodine recommended dosages:
Dr. Michael B. Schachter says, "The treatment dose when a person is iodine insufficient is generally between 12.5 mg and 50 mg daily. Preliminary research indicates that if a person is iodine insufficient, it takes about three months to become iodine sufficient while ingesting a dosage of 50 mg of iodine daily and a year to achieve that while ingesting a dosage of 12.5 mg of iodine daily.
Emphasis added.
My comments: So the recommendation is to take 1-200 drops of iodine as a onetime high pulse dosage to set up your system for radiation protection. Yet the potential side effects are as follows (characteristic of the typical unbalancing effects of any "remedy" that is less than whole). Fragments of a whole earthen source will never be as effective as the whole source itself. Thus, the side effects:
The following is quoted from a major proponent of Iodine, and are Dr. Mark Sircus'. These are the doctor's own guidelines on taking Iodine along with its associated potential side effects. (I am actually a great fan of Dr. Sircus, and hold a great deal of respect for him and his information, but disagree that compounds like iodine are in the best interest of human health in light of such superior alternatives:
"These onetime high pulse dosages of potassium iodine are necessary during an emergency but they do not come without some risk of side effects, which include: severe allergic reactions (rash, hives, difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, swelling of the mouth, face, lips or tongue), black, tarry stools, confusion, fever, irregular heartbeat, metallic taste in the mouth, mouth sores, numbness or tingling of the hands or feet, skin rash, stomach pains, swelling in the neck or throat, unusual tiredness, weakness.
"Endocrinologic side effects have included both hyper- and hypothyroidism. By inhibiting the release of thyroid hormone from the thyroid gland, iodide can cause goiter and hypothyroidism. This has been called the Wolff-Chaikoff effect, occurring in approximately four percent of patients and may be more likely in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). Iodide may induce hyperthyroidism, called the Jod-Basedow effect, when given to patients with preexisting iodide deficiency or autonomous, "hot" thyroid nodules. Iodide can cause parotid gland swelling.
"Usually, side effects of potassium iodide happen when people take higher doses for a long time but they can occur from taking the government's recommended onetime pulse dose."
OK, So What is the Alternative to Iodine Supplements?? Clay, Seaweeds and Chlorophyll-rich Superfoods like Earth & Sea Greens, Thyroid Balance, and Sacred Clay.
Many blessings of health & success,
Enjoy these remarkable gifts from Nature!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011 6:15 - 8:15 PM PDT 7:15 - 9:15 PM MDT 8:15 - 10:15 PM CDT 9:15 - 11:15 PM EDT New Call In Number: 1-712-432-0075
New Access Code: 940-333# Replay Link for this call will be posted on the website by Wednesday - or download the MP3 file and listen at your leisure on the computer or in your car. Go to Conference Call Archives:
Lisa: I lived in Maui for 4 years and my entire family came down with very bad heavy metal poisoning. My baby that was born there in Wailuku was diagnosed with severe accumulated lead poisoning in her blood at her 10-month-old check up. There is a higher percentage of the young that are also epileptic or autistic because of high mercury and ammonia chloride poisoning from the fields being sprayed and set on fire. Moving away from the bad water pipes and getting the city to repair old water mains downtown saved lives. Horseradish root and a de-sulphur tank was what I used in West Virginia when our groundwater caught fire and the oil drillers poured salt water into the spring source (a large underground lake). The cows were dropping dead from drinking from the spring, and the same government office (EPA) also ran the corporate office for the oil company that owned the main natural gas pipelines. So nothing was done. Except the vet was told to stay away from treating animals in the area, the framers were given forms to get payment for their loss (at a severe penalty) and the people were told to drink bottled water.
Posted by: kate | October 10, 2011 at 12:21 PM
Adya Clarity would do wonders for you.
Check with Matt and Angela at the raw food world. I have an affiliate link for this but can't bother now to find it. Just go to
Posted by: Dan | March 17, 2011 at 02:47 PM
Thank you for posting. I am a little confused since I am allergic to sulfur and have had two tumors removed from my thyroid in two different surgeries. I am currently battling with detoxing black mold exposure which almost killed me even though most people find that very unlikely. Living in Hawaii, I feel we are so vulnerable. I have already been adding the chlorella and spirulina to our diets however the local health food store was out of Zeolite. What else do you recommend I try to pick up?
Mahalo, from a concerned mom.
Posted by: Lisa | March 17, 2011 at 01:52 PM